Youth Home Inc TRICARE East & West Residential Program for Children Ages 12-17  with Mental Illness

Full Testimonial

"It is clear that all staff, especially direct care staff, are given thorough and up-to-date training in providing a therapeutic environment for teens who are struggling; to include a genuine understanding of RAD that will impress even families that have been in treatment for years."

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"Youth Home is a shining, inclusive gem in a system that is difficult for both young people and their parents. My child requires in-patient care due to a RAD diagnosis, and enrolling them at Youth Home has given them the safety and support they needed to begin cultivating healthy attachments to family. In short, my child has been able to feel loved, and to trust that feeling for the first time in their life thanks to Youth Home.

Our interactions with Youth Home are consistently transparent, therapeutic, and follow best clinical practice. Our family has been treated with dignity and empathy at every turn. All care given has been with my inpatient child's best interests at the forefront, and the needs of our family as a whole a close second. Most staff have been at this facility long term, and I believe at least one staff member has placed their own child here, which speaks volumes to me as a parent. They have truly invested in our health and growth as a family, rather than symptom mitigation or behavior management.

It is clear that all staff, especially direct care staff, are given thorough and up-to-date training in providing a therapeutic environment for teens who are struggling; to include a genuine understanding of RAD that will impress even families that have been in treatment for years. My child's primary therapist has helped them begin to bond and trust, while also helping them understand and navigate their Autism that makes them feel proud of who they are.

Unusually, for an in-patient program for teens, all of their providers, including their Psychiatrists, are both excellent and are on-site seeing patients in person. All levels of staff are highly qualified, and trauma-informed, and seem to be well-supported by administration. In addition, staff communicate extremely effectively among themselves, which not only creates, but models an environment of collaboration and respect that includes their patients.

Youth Home has given our family a kind of hope that we felt would be forever beyond our grasp. They care deeply about their patients, and provide compassionate standards-based care during every part of a patient's stay. Sending your child here will be a difficult decision, but you can rest in the knowledge that they're being cared for with love and dedication. "

~ Youth Home Parent   

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